Friday, July 8, 2016

My blogging days apparently took a back seat to a TON of things! Certainly didn't mean 2 years to go by without updating or writing anything.  But, you all know as well as I that life happens and just takes over everything!

To go back and update on everything that has happened would really be over-kill, so I'm basically going to just pick up from today and move forward.  For those of you who know us personally, you know what we've been up to anyway :)

We've been extremely happy and blessed over these past two years! Our wedding was beautiful and we purchased our first home. 

This September we're expecting our first baby together, Liam.  We are so excited and couldn't feel more love already for this little guy! Things are going very well with the pregnant and he's growing, growing, growing! 

We have a lot of things in our to-do list right now, but #1 is Liam's bedroom. Shane painted over the lilac color that was in there previously with a very pretty, light Vanilla/Yellow Cream color.  It really lightens up the room and makes it look a lot bigger.  The rooms in our townhouse are not huge, so it's good to maximize the space as much as possible. 

I'll post pictures as I get them and update you on the progress! 

I'll be updating soon with all the things we want to do around the house and all the projects I personally have going on. I've really picked up the crocheting a lot more than I did 2 years ago, so I've opened up shop and hope to continue down the path of selling things that I make.  More to come on that as well! 

Happy to be back and looking forward to a great adventure (again) with our life, home and words!! :)

Until next time!