Thursday, May 31, 2012

back and forth

I'm back from my trip to MA. It was both educational professional wise and very self fulfilling all at the same time!

I learned quite a bit at the seminars I went to. It was for 3 days and they taught taught taught through all 3 days!! Aren't they supposed to let you catch a break!?

One of my co-workers Kelley came with me. Her and I have become almost like friends from working together at the office. So, it wasn't a drag when her and I were paired up to go to this seminar together; I knew it wouldn't be a problem to go away with her.

We landed Monday. The easiest thing ever is Logan Express!! I don't know why I never thought to take it. EVER! It's super comfy with it's Coach Bus like design. No movies or anything, but when it's only about a 45 minute drive and you have good company or a good book; you don't need a movie :) It's only $22 round trip! You wouldn't even get that in gas now-a-days!

Logan Express dropped us off at their Framingham station. We were staying at the Crowne Plaza that provides shuttle service not only to and from the training facility we were going to be attending; but to and from Logan Express. Free of charge! But, is it really free of charge? Why do you think they they charge you so much for the rooms...? :D

Dave was our shuttle driver. A little strange, but nice man. He informed us that
"just this year they renamed the Crowne Plaza to The Verve. And, re-designed everything."

His son is the chef at the hotel, so we needed to

"check out The Pantry or the bar they have in the hotel". Thank you for staying with us, watch your step as you get exit the shuttle."

The hotel was quite interesting with it's confusion between 70's and modern contemporary decor.

We grabbed really salty and not very creamy clam chow-dah from The Pantry; and called it a night!

Tuesday was Day 1 of training...which ran over like an half and a half! I was mad because mom was sitting at this lovely hotel waiting on me! We had such a nice visit and got to eat at my favorite place ever; The Olive Garden! I was sad to see her leave. But she will be coming to MD in 3 weeks!! :)

Wednesday was Day 2 of training. This day we actually were let out a little earlier. So, I made it back to the hotel in time to freshen up and meet Dad and Nancy in the lobby to go out to dinner with them! It was great seeing them and awesome that we got to eat waaayyy to much at the Cheese Cake Factory! I wished they could have stayed longer, but I will see them in August!!

Thursday was Day 3 of training. We had an 8:55pm flight at Logan. There was an earlier one at 5:45pm and we were hoping to get to the airport in time to catch that one. After training we did the whole shuttle and Logan Express thing again. Got to the airport to find that the 5:45pm was actually delayed and we would able to catch it! Woohoo for us! We paid the $50 to switch our flight from the later to the earlier, grabbed a pizza and of course Dunkin's and were off to come back home!!

From then on it's been pretty steady passed here at the Hubbard/Hess household. We have been organizing and cleaning more. The stuff has slowly started dwindling from the livingroom and the bedroom doesn't look so cluttered. I organized my closet and ended up with another tube full of winter clothes and another pile of jackets. Where does all this stuff come from, I ask!?

I'll leave you off with some exciting news. My plant, Gertrude (yes I name my plants) has grown soooo much!

Remember this picture I posted, ehhh about a couple of months ago

Well, I had to put her in a bigger pot! She was over flowing from this one even more than what this picture shows!

(oh by the way, Auntie Janice asked what kind of plant she is. She's a cyclamen plant.) Apparently, based on what I was reading online, they are more a fall and winter flower. They are supposed to go into a dormant in the summer. I've had her outside now for the past couple of months and if anything she has just grown. Maybe she didn't get the memo that it's no longer winter!?

Gerturde's sister, who Shane named Izzy, is not doing as great...but I'm hoping since I re-potted her in Gert's old pot that she will grow a little better

Well, that's all I got! Talk with you all soon! :D

Peace and loves!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I've been feeling okay. I've increased my medicine to take 1 pill in the morning as well. It's helped some and hopefully will only get better!

I made an appointment with another neurologist for a second opinion. That appointment is June 5th. Shane is going to come with me to be sure that if they give me any crap, he can fight back! It's funny, if it were him or someone else, I'd be able to stand up to the Drs. But, when it's for me about my health I don't and just back down.

Doesn't make any sense?

Aside from that, we won't talk about work. We will talk about the fact that Shane and I went to the storage unit and pulled everything completely out. We organized it all (my favorite! ) and then put it all back in!

So now, when you walk in, all my stuff is in the front along with the kitchen stuff we don't use on a regular basis, but have in there to save and use when we need to.

We can talk about how own living room has once again turned into the catch all for my stuff and the stuff going into storage. Of course, that will change next weekend. BUT, it'll be nice when that is gone. It's just a huge pile of stuff :D

Now, don't think I didn't tell anyone cause I didn't want to see you all :)  - but I am going to be in MA for a couple of days for training for work. The company for the EMR the hospital uses is Meditech, which is located in Framingham.

Anyways, I fly up there tomorrow night and come back Thursday night. I'm going with another girl from the office. It'll be filled with seminars and exhausting meetings for 3 days straight! But, it'll be nice to be away from the office :)

Oh and to have real Dunkin iced coffee! Because what they have down here is just imitation crap! :) Annnnd, to read Game of Thrones; because I have still only read 2 pages ;)

Hope you all have a great week!

Monday, May 14, 2012

I like to read. In fact, if I didn't have to work, cook or clean I could read ALL day!

I always have a problem though, with books.
I just have too many on my list to read and tend to get a bit overwhelmed.
And, then the list either falls apart and I don't read the books I intended on reading
Or, I read some and buy new

This summer though, I have a new strategy
Read book series and alternate through the books!

It's genius! :)
1. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
*The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
* The Girl Who Played With Fire
* The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest

2. Harry Potter
*Sorcerer's Stone
*Chamber of Secrets
*Prisoner of Azkaban
*Goblet of Fire
*Order of the Phoenix
*Half-Blood Prince
*Deathly Hallows (do you know that I still haven't seen this movie yet!?)

3. Hunger Games
*Hunger Games
*Catching Fire

4. A Song of Ice and Fire

*Game of Thrones
*A Clash of Kings
*Storm of Swords
*A Feast for Crows
*A Dance with Dragons

Starting off the summer reading is...
Game of Thrones
(Then, once complete, I'll go back up to series #1, with Girl Who Played with Fire
 ...and then work my way down again)

I think this will be the best way for me to mix up the books so they all get equal attention
I'll work through my reading list faster
And, I won't get bored reading about the same thing

There are still several books I want to read that are not parts of series
We'll leave those for another entry though.
For example; J.K. Rowling's new book
*The Casual Vacancy
Now, if I could only deal with the no working thing?
Cleaning and Cooking I actually like to do! :)

Peace & <3

Sunday, May 13, 2012

It's been a very hectic couple of weeks. Work has been interesting and I have also been doing a lot of different things with Dr's.

I'll explain:

About 6 or so months ago I was having a feeling of dizziness/lightheaded-ness that I contributed to be associated with my teeth. At the time I had a really bad root canal done and my tooth was infected. It was eventually extracted, which I then in turn thought would eliminate the dizziness.
It didn't.

I finally convinced my Dr that something was wrong aside from the anemia she recently diagnosed and the teeth problems. She referred me to a neurologist.

He has been nothing but a jerk since the day I went to him. His bed side manner is HORRIBLE!

The first day Shane came with me. Dr Dash did a serious of neurological exams and also tested my balance. His diagnosis; some french thing he needed to Google to find out the spelling for. And, that I had symptoms of migraines.

He put me on something that interfered with my birth control. This is only a problem since my Dr has me on a treatment plan using the BC to help treat it. So, I told him this wasn't going to work. He fought with me and fought with me, but finally after I told him that I could not take it, he caved.
1 point for me!

He put me on Gabapentin. Which is the generic of Neutrotin.

For someone who has never had a problem with migraines, although he said I was having the symptoms of someone who did; well I have them now. But, the dizziness and lightheaded-ness somewhat subsided.

I went back to him complaining about the increase in headaches. He didn't know what to do and it showed when he gave me 4 options and asked that I choose one; really!?

1. To stop Gabapentin all together - this may bring back dizziness but help the headaches
2. Go to something all together - where then I would have to fight with him all over again about the interactions and I wasn't about to do that
3. Go on a lower dose of Gabapentin - apparently the dumb ass put me on 300mg first, even though there is a 100mg dose tablet out there!
4. Keep taking what I'm taking in hopes this is just a side effect

I picked number 3.

So, currently I am taking 2 100mg Gabapentin at bedtime. Today I am going to add 1 100mg tablet around noon time, because I still get headaches during the day and I'm hoping taking that extra one during the day will help.

I am also, in the process of finding an new neurologist for a second option.

Honestly, it's been such a whirlwind and craziness episode, it's been too much to type. So, for all those who I haven't told; sorry :( It's just been so insanely difficult and exhausting that I haven't really even wanted to talk about it.

But, I am feeling a little better; so here it all is!

Hope all you mom's have a wonderful Mother's Day!!! <3