Tuesday, November 20, 2012

pinball fun!

Well, this post is a little later than I had originally hoped. It's been sitting in my edit list too long! I had a change in work schedule at the Hospital 2 weeks ago and it has been tough getting back on track to my normal schedule. We did 24/7 support in the Emergency Room for the Physician's Go-Live of their electronic documentation. I did mainly 2p/3p - midnight shifts. Definitely not my cup of tea since my bedtime is 930pm! Which is just about coming up now!

A few weeks ago, Shane came up with a great idea to bring Grayson to the National Pinball Museum in Baltimore. I didn't even know they had one, until he mentioned it a couple of months ago.

We surprised Grayson, who when we got there was so super excited! It was a neat place. You walk through a couple of rooms filled with old style pinball machines. There were mannequins that were "playing" on the machines. There were some machines that weren't really even machines, they were more like pool tables.

Once you move past the museum portion, you can go up to the 2nd and 3rd floor where they have a ton of pinball machines that you can play openly for 2 hours! Grayson thought this was the greatest thing and we did that for the next 2 hours! Man let me tell you, you don't realize how sore your arms get after playing pinball for 2 straight hours! But, totally worth it!

And, here are some shots of the machines that were there. Of course I couldn't get all of them, although, there were some pretty awesome ones indeed!

The Adam's Family was my favorite growing up! Definitely love this one!
Grayson and Shane loved the Star Trek one!

Just a couple of more! Promise :)


With all that it was a great day and we had tons of fun!
It's past my bedtime now - 9:47pm!! Night all <3 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

holiday card givaway!

We are hosting our first give-a-way over at Etsy's Flashy Pics!

Enter your chance to win one of our Holiday Cards!

There are two ways you can enter to win: 1) Visit our facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/FlashyPics  and leave a comment
2) Leave a comment here on our blog!
Either way, your name will be put into a drawing on Sunday, Nov 18th for a chance to win!
We have so many great ideas for the upcoming season...hope you come back to join us and see what we have in store! :D

Monday, November 5, 2012

kitchen shelves

Happy Monday, Folks! It was quite difficult for me to get out of bed this morning! Certainly one of those days when I'd rather be snuggled in the blankets! But, I got up and got going!

Side note: Starting this Wednesday I will be working 2pm-12a, and 3-12a shifts at the Hospital. We are implementing Physician Documentation in the Emergency Room and have to offer 24/7 support. Tomorrow I have off, then I work 6 days in a row. Saturday and Sunday aren't as bad with being able to work 12pm-8pm and then 1pm-8pm. But, I will certainly be happy when I can get back to my normal 7a-330p!

Now, get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich! :-P

After our post about the Vintage Kitchen here, we couldn't wait to get started on the other side of the kitchen!

Since our cabinets are flush against the wall, we miss out on utilizing the tops of them as extra storage. I knew right away that I wanted to hang a shelf over the cabinets above the cut through, which is above our sink. It was just a matter of finding the right ones!

That's where IKEA come in! We went there last Saturday, and found the perfect one, basically right away! That almost never happens for us!!

Equals this....

It's amazing what I difference it makes! And I love the wood that we got the shelves in too! It's the grey-brown finish. What I love most about it is, it's not just a flat stain. It has a worn look to it, and looks very homey to me!

Shane was such a sport in hanging it up! He ran into a few glitches, but I was so impressed with how quickly he was able to assemble and hang it all!

Which is probably a good thing on his part, because his girlfriend was itching to have it done too! Because, as you can image, I couldn't wait to have it up and ready so I could start loading up the goodies on it!

Hope you all enjoy the beginning of your week!

Night all! <3