Saturday, May 11, 2013

productive day!

I'm sitting here, exhausted from the long and productive day we had, but my mind is still going and thinking of all the things that need to be done! Guess that's what I get for starting to organize at 8pm! Now it's 10 and I'm still wide awake! Maybe some blogging will help me wind down and eventually get me sleepy! :)

The day started out with Grayson's baseball game, and their 5-4 win over the Red Sox. Yeah, this is on the only Red Sox game that I'm okay with them losing! ;) They were undefeated until we played them today, and they won. Very exciting game for the boys (and 1 girl!)

Shane and I then went to storage where we picked up our patio chairs and a bunch of my stuff that has been sitting there all year untouched. I figured now was better than never to go through the items and decide what I just can't live without! And, what can go, be donated or brought to the consignment shop. About 1/2 my purses and bags don't get used. So, 1/2 of that 1/2 went in the trash. The others I will be consigning.

About 2 hours into my sorting, the weather started changing and we were clearly in for a major thunder storm! I watched as the clouds rolled in and got a huge desire to go storm chasing! I convinced Shane (with wasn't hard) and we took off toward the dark clouds. I drove and stopped every now and then so Shane could grab some shots out the window. It was a lot of fun! Once I edit them, I'll be sure to share some of the great shots we got!

After that, it was dinner time; so off to Friendly's we went for ice cream! I know it's not dinner, but it was still super yummy!

At home I decided that it was time to organize again. AND, then that brought me to decide I need to look up coupons and make the grocery list for our trip to Wegman's tomorrow AM. We are going early to catch the meat counter putting out their marked down items. They usually do that around 8-9am, so we'll be there around 830!

Stay tuned for pics! :)

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend. And, of course all the mom's out there (especially mine and my stepmom!) have a great Mother's Day!!! <3

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