I wrote an entry in May with a list of books on my reading list, which you can find here.
I realize that now, based on my plan that I wasn't supposed to pick up another book until I was finished with Game of Thrones. Here lies my problem and why I had to alter my course, slightly:

As I was saying, I like the book. But, since it was taking me so long to read through chapters, there were some nights I wanted something to read but just couldn't stomach the analyzing of the realm.
That's where Catching Fire comes in. I thought it was harmless and that I could read this only on the nights I wasn't reading GOT. So, I picked it up from the local library and started reading. And, then read a few chapters.
I'm just going to tell you right away, that GOT lost out on this battle. Catching Fire came with me to MA and then was completely finished last evening. Oops.

I haven't caved yet! I don't have the third book, Mockingjay...so I haven't completely given up hope that I may or may not return to GOT. But, there are no promises that once I get close enough to the Library to check and see if they have Mockingjay that the weakness won't take over me and I will end up failing my journey to alternate between series!
I've come to terms with this: GOT is going to be my always book. It's the book that I have going on in the back ground and will not be able to get away from, because it's always going to be there. It has to. There are 5 books in this series, so far, because the author is still writing them. It's going to take me 10 years just to get through the first 5 for goodness-sake! Therefore, it's my always book; the book that will always be there!
That means, and yes I'm justifying, that through the lifetime of GOT, I have the permission to read other series during my digestive period. Kind of like the nap between Thanksgiving dinner and the turkey sandwiches.
mmmmm, now I'm hungry :)
Peach & LOVE! <3
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